The Tao is the One Thing that Mirrors ItSelf while It Mirrors The Other.
It was bringing this sentence that one day Federico Fellini knocked at the door of his friend and faithful travel companion in the unfathomable world of the mystic and of the human unconscious, Lorenzo Ostuni.
The enigmatic and mysterious phrase, according to the director, required an interpretation. And Master Ostuni, true intimate knower of Symbols and Soul Alchemist, certainly wouldn't disappoint him.
What Fellini proposed to Ostuni was the symbolic realization of something by means of an engraving on marble, in order to understand what the sentence wanted to transmit. After several engraving attemps, the Master tried the engraving on mirror. And he realized that the mirror not only reflected who looked at oneself, but it also reflected all that the drill was engraving. It mirrored itself.
Through the course of 40 years, Lorenzo Ostuni (philosopher, director,author of art therapies such as "Biodrama" and creator of the largest collection of universal symbols) created hundreds of works of art on mirror. He was admired by personalities such as Pope Wojtyla and The Dalai Lama, and is still esteemed today through his works which are on display at his studio, “Plato’s Cave”, in Rome.
I met Master Ostuni in June 2012 and i had the honor to be conducting, through his teachings, on the right path to take to embrace the deep knowledge and realization of myself.
In the last months of his life, came to an end in December 2013, he transmitted the Art of Engraving on Mirror to me, with love and humility.
Elena Morizio