The word Symbol is derived from the Greek word Σύμβολον, and from the root word σuμ (together), and βalλein (to put), having the approximate meaning of put together two different parts. In the language of ancient Greece, the term Symbol had the meaning of “tablet of witness” . According to custom, whenever two people, two families or two cities consummated an agreement or forged a pact, they broke a tablet usually made of glazed pottery. Each of the parties retained their piece; the perfect match of the parts of the tablet held by each consenting party demonstrated the existence of the pact.

Jung: “What we call Symbol is a term, a name or a representation that can be familiar in everyday life but which, however, has specific connotations in addition to its obvious and conventional meaning. It implies something perhaps vague, unknown or inaccessible to us. As there are countless things that exceed the realm of human understanding, we often choose to the use of symbolic terms to represent concepts that we cannot define or understand completely. This is one reason why all religions and esoteric traditions use a symbolic language or images.” from ”Man and His Symbols” by Carl Gustav Jung, psychoanalyst.

Symbology is the real key to understanding the spiritual and psychological world. Man spontaneously and unconsciously produces the symbols he needs to formulate and affirm that which he might not be able to represent in another way.

L.Ostuni: “ All my life I have persued an idea. To achieve a mental and emotional bliss in life and beyond life, able to live effectively as a human being whitin the indissoluble bonds between this world and the other. How? By means of the Symbol. By means of the language of Symbol whitin ourselves and above ourselves. The Symbol is the essence of the universe, the primary form in which creation or the creator has structured the entire universe.”

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